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Visiting arrangements

Visitors can help our patients heal and we welcome the support of their families and friends.

Visiting Arrangements

  • Only two visitors per patient is allowed during our routine visiting hours and children under the age of 16 years are not permitted to visit except in exceptional circumstances.
  • End of life care and compassionate visiting is only permitted at the discretion of the Clinical Nurse Manager.
  • Visitors and patients must adhere to good hand hygiene practices and are welcome to wear a facemask when visiting wards and other clinical areas.
  • Please do not attend the hospital if you are feeling unwell

Routine Visiting

Monday to Friday : 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm only

Weekends and Public/Bank Holidays : 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm and 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm only

Visiting will not be permitted outside of these hours

Exceptional visiting

Exceptional visiting due to end of life care or vulnerable patients is encouraged while visiting time is not restricted we do ask that you pre-arrange these visits with the ward.   Please contact the ward directly and speak to the Clinical Nurse Manager.

Please note these recommendations may be subject to change due to community or hospital prevalence of infection. Again we ask that you do not attend the hospital  if you are unwell to protect your loved ones and other patients.

Thank you for your cooperation

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